Limitless Monaghan is the youth ministry of Monaghan Elim. We meet every Friday night upstairs in Monaghan Elim from 8:00pm-10:30pm and it is for anyone in 1st-6th form!

Our vision is to follow the Great Commission that Jesus leaves his followers in Matthew 28:18-20. We aim to follow this by making disciples and teaching young people more about Jesus, while being unashamed of the Gospel.

Most Fridays you will find us hanging out, playing board games, pool and table tennis. We spend time in worship and hear from God’s word.
We really value the community we have and relationships being built and would love for you to be apart of that.

We go on trips, have ‘Away Days’ where we escape from the ‘usual’ Friday programme and have some fun as a group. We get involved in weekends away with other Youth Ministries across the Island of Ireland.

Limitless Monaghan is a discipling, teaching, unashamed community. We are a safe space for you to find community, make friends and grow in God.
For more information contact Limitless Youth limitless@monaghanelim.com.